My Services
It is said that 10% of the information leaving the brain to the body goes to the muscles and joints, which means only 10% of dysfunction is muscle or joint related, barring an acute injury of course. So, if you are a healthy individual who sees the chiropractor regularly for manipulative adjustments, this is addressing 10% of a structural imbalance. Which is why at Bag of Bones Chiropractic, we like to combine Chiropractic with AK, muscle testing, and functional nutrition. This allows the Doctor to address all levels of dysfunction, not just the bones. But if you're just looking for Chiropractic, we can do that too.
New Patient Chiropractic Visit 90 min - $300 (History, Vitals, Examination, Massage, Spinal Adjustments, Extremity Adjustments)
Return Patient Chiropractic Visit 30 min - $125 (Massage, Spinal Adjustments, Extremity Adjustments)
Free First Time 30 minute Office Consultation
Note: We do not accept insurance. If you wish to get some type of insurance reimbursement, we can provide you an Invoice with the proper Chiropractic codes to hand to your insurance provider.
Applied Kinesiology (AK) was developed by a Chiropractor named Dr George Goodheart in 1964. Dr Goodheart came to the realization that manual adjustments cannot correct every dysfunction. Some dysfunctions are not joint related and require another approach to treatment. You can't adjust heavy metals or parasites from an individuals body for example. Maybe you're seeing a Chiropractor right now and they've adjusted some area several times over and over again and it still has not resolved the problem. Dr Goodheart came to this same realization and decided to start using muscle testing as an assessment tool. Muscle testing was traditionally used to measure strength. Muscle testing can also be used to measure function. Muscle testing in AK is used to measure function not strength. For example, muscle testing can tell you that there are heavy metals or parasites in the body causing dysfunction or why an adjustment is not holding. AK believes that all dysfunction in the body is either STRUCTURAL, NUTRITIONAL, and/or EMOTIONAL dominant. Sometimes all three factors my be involved with a particular dysfunction. Muscle testing tells you which factor/s are out of balance and how to correct them. AK has helped us solve the toughest of problems that no one else has been able to figure out.
Quinessential Applications (QA) was developed by Dr Wally Schmitt in late 1990s/early 2000s. He was a protege of Dr George Goodheart. After years of using AK, Dr Schmitt realized certain systems have to be cleared in a particular order or the patients therapy will stall. For example, old injuries are always cleared first, followed by systemic nutritional factors and then switching (Left Brain/Right Brain) imbalances, endocrine, emotional stress, local problems, gait assessment, and chronic pain.
New Patient AK/Chiropractic Visit 90 min - $325 (History, Vitals, Examination, Nutrition Assessment, AK, Massage, Spinal Adjustments, Extremity Adjustments)
Return Patient AK/Chiropractic Visit 90 min - $250 (Nutrition Assessment, AK, Massage, Spinal Adjustments, Extremity Adjustment)
Return Patient AK/Chiropractic Visit 75 min - $225 (Nutrition Assessment, AK, Massage, Spinal Adjustments, Extremity Adjustment)
Return Patient AK/Chiropractic Visit 60 min - $200 (Nutrition Assessment, AK, Massage, Spinal Adjustments, Extremity Adjustment)
Free First Time 30 minute Office Consultation
Note: If you've never been muscle tested before, it can be a new experience. We know it's not for everyone, but that is okay. We work with people who want to be healthy and are okay with using muscle testing to find the root cause of their ill health and find a suitable treatment.
It is said that 90% of the information leaving the brain to the body goes to the central or autonomic nervous system, which means 90% of dysfunction is autonomic related. So, if you are an individual who does not get their nutrition checked regularly, you are missing a 90% chance of being fully healthy. The autonomic nervous system regulates everything you don't have control over like heart rate, breathing, digestion, transport, detoxification, blood pressure, sleep, etc. It can be split into two parts-the sympathetic and parasympathetic. The sympathetic is known as the awake flight or fight response. The parasympathetic is known as the rest and digest portion. They are both equally dominated by NUTRITION and the ENVIRONMENT. Someone who is sympathetic dominant is considered to overly acidic. Someone who is parasympathetic dominant is considered to overly alkaline. Both extremes are not beneficial to health. So, if you are not eating a clean organic diet, maybe your dysfunction has to do with your nutrition? Especially, if you're not getting better!!!
Systems we check related to autonomic function:
Gut and Digestion
Energy Production
Organ/Gland Health
Cellular Communication
Things we check for related to autonomic dysfunction:
Internal scarring
Food stressors
Stealth (hidden) microbes
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
Synthetically Modified Foods (SMFs)
Environmental chemicals
Heavy metals
Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)
Dirty Electricity
Water contaminants
Acid/alkaline imbalances
New Patient Nutrition Visit 90 min - $200 (History, Vitals, Nutrition Assessment-Advanced, AK)
Return Patient Nutrition Visit 60 min - $150 (Nutrition Assessment-Advanced, AK)
Return Patient Nutrition Visit 30 min - $125 (Nutrition Assessment-Advanced, AK)
Return Patient Nutrition Visit 15 min - $100 (Nutrition Assessment-Basic)
Remote (Zoom/Facetime) Patient Nutrition Visit 30 min-60 min- $100 (Nutrition Assessment-Advanced)
Free First Time 30 minute Office Consultation
Note: Nutrition programs are designed to improve health and not for treatment or cure of any specific disease. We do not diagnose disease, but we can support the body with the proper nutrients it needs to heal.
Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex (PDTR) was developed by Dr Jose Palomar in the mid-2000s. It's on offshoot of AK, that also uses muscle testing. It's core principal is that dysfunction in the body is proprioceptive dominant. Proprioception is how the body communicates with the world around you. It gives you a sense of place in three dimensions. You wouldn't be able to walk, run, drive, sit, reach, see, hear, etc., without proprioception. All proprioceptors in the body pair with another proprioceptor. If you're having back pain or balance issues, it could be that your proprioception not in balance. Also, all proprioception coming from the extremities travels through the spinal cord to the brain, which is why after the biochemistry (nutrition) and physiology (structural/nerve) has been reset and balanced, you can adjust the spine so all the new information makes it to the brain uninterrupted.
Signaling between the extremities and brain is what allows our bodies to move. Proprioceptors in a joint or muscle, for example, send a signal to the brain about what is going on proprioceptive wise in that part of the body. The brain receives that information, processes it, and then sends a signal back to the joint to proceed with movement. This acts like a circular feedback loop from body to the brain and brain back to body. All proprioceptors all involved in this feedback loop, whether they be stretch, pain, pressure, or vibration receptors. If the signal from the proprioceptor to the brain is clean, then brain will send a clean signal back. But if the signal from the proprioceptor is corrupted, then the brain will send a corrupted signal back, hence dysfunction. The brain cannot fix dysfunction on it's own and this is a problem. The proprioceptors though, if rehabbed, can reset the feedback loop. The good thing about proprioception is that it is predictable. For example, have you ever had a doctor tap your patellar (knee) tendon with a reflex hammer? And after they hit the tendon the quad muscle contracted and the leg kicked up. That is a natural response if the nervous system is healthy. Well every proprioceptor and natural reflex in the body has predictability. If the proprioceptor and/or reflex does what it's supposed to do after being challenged, then you know you have function. But if the proprioceptor and/or reflex doesn't do what it's supposed to do after being challenged, then you know you need functional rehab.
Functional rehabilitation uses a combination of AK, PDTR, and muscle testing to clear out old and dysfunctional signaling in the nervous system. If you want good movement and be pain free, you got to have clean signaling.
Imbalances that can effect nervous system signaling:
Old injuries
Autonomic imbalances
Acupuncture point imbalances
Low threshold pain receptors
Emotional imbalances
Left/right brain switching
Internal cranial dysfunction
External cranial dysfunction
Global reflex imbalances
Eye tracking imbalances
Ear proprioception imbalances
TMJ imbalances
Spinal fixations
Equilibrium receptor imbalances
Ligament receptor imbalances
Joint receptor imbalances
Dural torque (spinal connective tissue imbalances)
Muscle receptor imbalances
Gait (walking) imbalances
Being healthy not only requires working with a doctor who knows what it takes to be healthy, but also the patient being active in their health. You'll only be spending an hour or two with us each month, so you'll need some resources to help keep you active in your own journey. We'll recommend websites and certain types of web searches, books, journals, and groups to follow.
You'll get ideas about what meal plan works best for you, paleo, keto, Mediterranean, etc. How to stay properly hydrated and water types of water drink. Information on home filtering systems if needed. How to protect yourself from EMFs in the home and on devices. How to protect yourself from dirty electricity in the home and work. How to stay healthy while out of town for business or vacation. Restaurants to eat at that serve clean organic foods. What grocery stores, farmers markets, and farms to shop to get clean organic food. Where to buy clean toiletries for daily use. Whether exercise is relevant to your health. What types of detoxes are most beneficial and when. We can answer any other questions you may have.
Massage is traditional holistic therapy dating back 5000 years ago. It is believed to have started in India as part of the Ayurveda medicine system to heal injuries, relieve pain, prevent illness, and cure illness. There are many different styles of massage but the main focus is to move blood and lymph in tissues, so that waste products can be moved out and fresh nutrients, blood, and oxygen can move in. Massage helps restore the body's natural and physical balance so that it can heal naturally.
Offering Deep Tissue, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point, Sport Massage
60 Minute Massage - $110 (Deep Tissue, Trigger Point, Myofascial Release, Sports Massage)
90 Minute Massage - $140 (Deep Tissue, Trigger Point, Myofascial Release, Sports Massage)
Personal Training/Strength and Conditioning
Looking to get healthier and stronger. 1 on 1, private Personal Training and/or Strength and Conditioning packages available at Chisel Studio in the Glenwood South Neighborhood in 30 min, 45 min, or 60 min increments.